Thursday, January 26, 2012

Crocodiles, Ferocious Predators Of The River Authorities

Crocodiles are large reptiles that live in water. Scientifically, covering all species of Crocodile Crocodylidae tribal members, including the Crocodile fish (Tomistoma schlegelii). Crocodiles generally live in freshwater habitats like rivers, lakes, swamps and other wetlands, but there also live in brackish water such as the estuarine Crocodile.
The main food Crocodile is vertebrate animals like fish, reptiles and mammals, sometimes also prey on mollusks and crustaceans depending on the species. Crocodile is an ancient animal, the more extinct and only slightly changed due to evolution since the time of dinosaurs.

Crocodile's body shape is to have a long body and tail are covered with thick scales, and a pair of legs on both sides of their bodies. Crocodile body length between 1.8 to 3 meters. tubu the males larger than females.Crocodiles save 10 to 50 eggs in a nest harsh. some species dig nests in the ground, but others make a mound of earth with his feet. Then, they were laying eggs, either in the ground and in the mound. Parent Crocodile will ensure that the eggs stay warm.

There is no way that can convince us to calculate the age of Crocodiles, in addition to knowing penetasannya first time, although there are some techniques that have been developed. The most common method used to estimate the age of this animal is by counting growth rings in bones and teeth. Each layer of the circle illustrates the change in growth rate, which may be caused by changes in the dry and rainy seasons are repeated every year. By keeping in mind these inaccuracies, the oldest Crocodile is probably the largest species. Estuarine Crocodile (C. porosus) is estimated to live on average up to 70 years, with a few individuals that are proven to exceed 100 years. One of the oldest Crocodiles recorded died in a zoo Russia at the age of about 115 years. Because the Crocodile is a rare animal that is almost extinct, then the current governments of the world has a way to protect this animal, the penangakaran menangkarnya Crocodile, or the zoo.

Thankyou for all, see you again with animal-lestari